
Word of the week, Freedom and My Bloody Valentine

Seeing that my mom, her boyfriend and some of his family are camping up north this week, I've had the entire house to myself. I can sing, dance, run around naked (OK, I don’t actually do that, as I might scare some peeping tom passerby half to death), but you see my point? FREEDOM. Just me and my randy cat (it’s that time a year).
That’s funny, I actually didn’t know randy was another word for horny before this Monday. It’s my word of the week, together with a word a classmate of mine made up: floppyneck.

We had a photo shoot in a small studio this week in Media class; we had to take turns modeling (we’re only like five people in the group) and Karin was first to volunteer and did a fantastic job (!), only when we were to look at the pictures she bawled: Oh my God! Look at my floppy necks! Of course there was no floppy necks, only bad lighting.

Anyway, last night I stayed up until 3:30 a.m. editing photographs on the computer. A terrible idea because I had to get up and get ready for school at 6:00 a.m. (School starts at 8:30 but I have to take two sometimes three busses, which takes about an hour for me to get there).
But it wasn’t that bad after all, we only had half-day today since it’s Easter, and I only had English this morning. We did the listening part of an English B national test from 1998 (I got 28 right answers out of 30!). It was on a cassette tape and everyone seemed to think it was extreeeeeemely outdated. I love cassette tapes! Am I the only one who still put together mix-tapes using actual tapes? Just a question…

Now I’m gonna put My Bloody Valentine’s Slow on repeat and so loud the whole house vibrates (or will that wake the neighbors?). That must be one of the best songs about oral sex ever, I never tire of it.

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