
Sugar hiccup

Woooaaaaw! I'm just coming down from being like totally high on sugar for the past three days. I don't ever want to see that shit again! Candy is vile and addictive. I have completely fucked up my diurnal rhythm (again!); it always happens while I’m on break from school and have nothing better to do than goof around the house like a hermit. I’m expecting one hell of a headache in the next couple of hours.
Also, my solitude was broken a few hours ago. I’m in the process of writing a short story for my English class so I wasn’t too happy to be disturbed in the middle of it. In addition I was asked to plug my music = Crap! Crap! Crap!

I have made a few mix-tapes this weekend, recording off the speakers of the computer using one of those children’s tape-recorder thingies. I like how rough it sounds when you do that, almost as if I live recorded it in my basement or something.

I don’t think anyone’s reading this blog. And definitely not after this:

A girl and a guy arguing over a piece of rubber:
The girl: Not just for protection, you’ll last longer too!
The guy: Do I look like a pre-mature ejaculator?!!

The day that humor died.

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