
Nauseating weekend

I’ve been living on crap for four days. Not literally, just really bad, disgusting foods. I’ve felt just as crappy as well, knackered, sick I think… And I’ve kept fueling my illness by consuming all this shit. TONS OF SUGAR! No, but really, I had wheat crackers with jelly for breakfast the morning of graduation, followed by freeze dried strawberries covered in yoghurt for dinner and a cheese melt sandwich.
Friday we visited my aunt where we indulged on rhubarb & strawberry pie, princesstårta (a traditional sponge cake with marzipan on, google it), cinnamon buns and chocolate chip cookies. Dinner was pretty much a forced issue on my mother’s behalf, consisting of soy “meatballs” and mixed vegetables. I felt like puking.
Saturday was no better, far worse I would say. I woke up at 2:30 p.m. and had a small bowl of muesli. Around 4:30 mom got home and opened a bag of Estrella chips which the three of us (the family; excluding the cat) shared. That was my dinner + a marzipan/chocolate/oatmeal/hazelnut pastry frog (which I suspect was turning ‘cuz it was well dry). Then I had a couple of those strawberry/yoghurt thingies and felt my gut churning-sick as a f-in dog-“kill me now”-I’ll never touch food again-throwing up cascades of my own intestines-baaaad.

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